What is evaluation?
There are many reasons we evaluate. To learn. To be accountable. To meet funding requirements. To grapple with questions like, “Does it work?” and “Is it good enough?” Ultimately evaluation is about making decisions and taking the wisest action we can based on the information available, informed by our goals, values, and strategic insights. Evaluation is about making all the elements of that process intentional, thoughtful, and transparent.
What do you do?
Working at the intersection of complexity and equity-informed practice, my role is to facilitate learning through the design and implementation of evaluation strategies. I help people clarify their goals and expectations, develop meaningful ways to test and explore their assumptions, track and document learning as it emerges, and connect this back to their strategic decision-making. In practice this looks like the use of participatory methods and a wide range of quantitative and qualitative techniques to generate meaningful data and actionable insights into programs, services, and other initiatives for change.
Who do you work with?
I work with a wide range of people and organizations across the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Past project experience areas include criminal justice and corrections, mental health and addictions, youth development, older adults, education, health, public health, arts, disability services, employment services, organizational transformation, leadership, grant-making, and community engagement. I frequently collaborate with other consultants both in and outside of the field of evaluation. If you’d like to work with me, please use my contact page to get in touch.
Some of the people and organizations I work, play, and learn with:
Canada Council for the Arts
The Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies
David Suzuki Foundation
Doctors of BC
EMBERS Eastside Works
Ending Violence Association of BC
The Front Step Project
Gathering Voices Society
Legal Aid BC
North Shore Multicultural Society
Office of the Representative for Children and Youth BC
Options Community Service BC
RealWheels Theatre
Restorative Action Program
St. George’s School
Surrey Place
Transform the Family Justice System Collaborative BC
UBC Learning Exchange
Vancouver Foundation
Amanda Fenton - Amanda Fenton Consulting
Brian Hoessler - Strong Roots Consulting
Chris Corrigan - Harvest Moon Consultants
Diana Tindall - Atrimonta
Giselle Patrick
Jamie Gamble - Imprint Consulting
Jara Dean-Coffey - Luminaire Group
Joy Weismillar - Juniper Consulting
Kim van der Woerd - Reciprocal Consulting
Kylie Hutchinson - Community Solutions
Kate Sutherland - Emerge Collab
Michelle Buchholz - Cassyex Consulting
Michelle Naimi - Naimi Consulting
Penny Cooper - Penny Cooper & Associates
Rita Fierro - Fierro Consulting LLC and DrRitaWrites.com
Rowan Simonsen & Amy Lenzo - Beehive Productions
Sheila Matano
Teneya Gwin - Eleven Eleven Consulting
Trilby Smith
Vanessa Richards - Creative Together