I imagine evaluators are reflective people by default, whether by nature or practice. I definitely find myself obsessed with milestones and checking back to think about what changes and progress I’ve made in whatever timespan I’m reflecting on. The end of the Gregorian calendar year is a very exciting time for me! This one in particular because I’m coming up on my five-year anniversary of moving to Vancouver, which means catching up on my five-year plan that I had when I came out here. (People are sometimes very impressed when I say that I moved to Vancouver with a five-year plan and then I tell them the plan was, “check in at five years and see how things are going and if I should keep sticking it out or not”. Very developmental!) I’m happy to report that my hope to have some form of sustaining work with a promising future and not an over-bearing cost of living on top of it was well-exceeded by year four, so year five has been nothing but bonus learning and discoveries!
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